# 👋 Introduction

The goal of docs.ubclaunchpad.com is to gather advice, resources, best practices, and more for everyone to refer to! If you feel any of this documentation is unclear, out of date, or incorrect, please open an issue or pull request!

# Contents

# 📖 Club Handbook new

The Club Handbook contains everything you need to know about being in Launch Pad: documents outlining Launch Pad's mission, our vision, how we are run, resources about managing projects, and more!

# 🧗 Resources

Our Resources pages provides helpful guides, tools, and resources to help you get started and keep learning - accessible for anyone, not just people in Launch Pad!

# Get in Touch

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about Launch Pad or the documentation in this website!

If you are a member of Launch Pad, feel free to drop questions for Launch Pad leadership at #ask-leads or relevant #ask- channels!